
In Russian army, they have this funny tale:

“There is no better vagina
Than the asshole of your comrade
Yes, it smells worse,
But it for sure is tighter!”
In Russian language, everything rhymes perfectly.

Лучше нет влагалища
Чем очко товарища
Пусть и пахнет хуже,
Зато входит туже!

  • 2
    For some reason I didn't expect this from Russia. I thought they don't joke about that stuff.
  • 2
    @retoor people always joke about what’s forbidden
  • 3
    @kiki that's why I joke about kid playground and schools.
  • 2
    when it stops being tighter do they become your wife
  • 2
    @retoor they always joke about it, like "батя"/daddy fucking them as punishment. It's always in the comment section when they argue with each other.
  • 2
    @retoor From what I heard there's quite a LOT of "gay" sex in Russian Army. Source: Russian friends.
  • 1
    @SoldierOfCode there's a lot of gay shit everywhere but let's keep the tradition not too talk too much about it 😁
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