Bug free software is a myth

  • 9
    I gueeeeess most of Hello World programs are pretty much bugless 😅
  • 1
    @Agred Try "writing" a Hello World program in Piet or Ook! without an error.
  • 1
    @Agred do those programs really classify as software though ?
  • 2
    @A4Abhiraj Technically every program is software.

    A better limitation would probably be "useful software". If a program doesn't access files/networks or just doesn't have a mentionworthy complexity it's gonna be either useless or only useful for some special cases.
  • 1
    @A4Abhiraj Just a joke, man 😊
  • 1
    Headache free management is a lie.
  • 1
    Once uppon a time, there was a bug-free software in a far far away kingdom, secured by dragons and shit
  • 0
    @illusion466 you're the one!!
  • 0
    @deadlyRants Yeah technically whatever runs on a machine is a software. And ofcourse I meant a useful software.
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