Starting to look like a dev's bookshelf!

  • 2
    Anything to recommend?
  • 7
    Land of lisp....sounds like a horror story...
  • 2
    Ah ha!! You've got a Lucas tower!!
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    Y'all got anymore of them pixels?
  • 2
    I like your bookshelf. Looks cool!
  • 1
    Ain't got space for a damn bookshelf.....
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    Between buying and reading, the technology is usually obsolete
  • 5
    My bookshelf. Wife uses the real one.
  • 4
    Ooh, I love shelfies. Just seeing beautiful books on a lovely shelf is my aesthetic.

    Mine isn't a dev onex but it's filled with tons of books! I actually had to sell most of them because my parents were angry at the quantity.
  • 2
    Thats my goal too!!
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    Looks like the snake from the original snake :D
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    @iamdevlpr lol I've got a couple
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    @rectango not really applicable to much on my bookshelf.
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    @VikiMaster2 hmm... I would probably recommend almost every book pictured actually.
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    @zfor Really colorful, price? ^^
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    Can't believe people still buy books 😨
  • 3
    What's wrong with being old school ans buying books? I personally hate reading ebooks, because you don't get the same experience without a physical book.
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    @Michelle it's too expensive and you don't get update. Especially for computer science. I bought full set of game of thrones too.
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    I don't care about the price. Books make me happy so I'll buy them. In addition, it will even support the author and the publisher who worked hard to get the books out there.

    It's a bookworm thing, you won't understand, and it's difficult for me to explain. :/
  • 1
    I just threw away half of my books because they're no longer relevant. If it isn't digital and doesn't offer free updates, it's destined for the garbage bin

    Hardcopy is on its way out.
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