
z-index you set minus z-index that was necessary is the number of whips you should receive. Whips with barbed wire that is.

  • 1
    -1 - 0 = -1. Haha, that makes me the whipper. * whip whip whip *. You can't even do right click source on my site because that matrix background is a (z-index - 1) canvas picture. How does that feel?
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    @retoor you guys use right click source? I only ever use a devtools shortcut
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    @kiki I recently needed to copy my whole source. Often, when I do addition to my page, i take the HTML source, copy it to chatGPT and ask it to do changes to it. Example: "add a new article in current syle of html summarizing the amount of projects per technology mentioned if any.". I did it once myself, and now I let LLM replicate it. I can do this, because this site is completely HTML and markdown. As a dev, there's no better CMS than plain text html & markdown. ANY cms is holding a dev back.

    I still need a 'fair use AI'-logo :P
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    Never! Only correct z-index is -999
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    @12bitfloat in your case, yes. 0 - -999 is 999 whips for you :p
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    @Kiki, how many whips if you use Rust?
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    Usually range from -1 to 3 is enough for whatever the shenanigans you plan to do with web apps/pages
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    @devJs No! You don't understand. The only time to use z-index is when you already hate everyone and everything and at that point -999 is what you need. And if that doesn't work then you throw your keyboard out of the window
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    @12bitfloat I do not always use a keyboard, but when I do, it is a k120 and those are like a paper airplane and will totally survive it. I lost count of k120's i've had in my life. Thank god they're free half of the time. We can't keep wasting 20,- for the best keyboard ever made. After that comes the keyboard of the x270. Rakketakketak(c)
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