
Suddenly remembered that, at one point in time, every few rants here I would read something about wordpress, and how nightmarish working on this or that blazing dumpster funeral pyre was.

So, hot take: you deserve it.

I'm sorry wordpress devs, but you do. If the whole point is getting a site up and running "without extensive coding knowledge", then the whole point is not needing to hire a developer. You get that, right? These folks straight up tried to take your job, realized they couldn't, then came back crawling, and you accepted the offer right after getting spat in the face.

Mother fucker, have some self-respect. On both sides of the equation.

This foray into needlessly antagonizing my fellow programmers has been brought to you by RectSpace. Need to flip off Bertrand Wanker-Fuckfaceberg here and his dumbass fullstack chops? Just fire him! Bring your amateur pornovlog online TODAY with NO programming knowledge whatsoever -- you'll be sucking off webdeving limp-ass DICK in no time!

Use my promo code NEEDGULAG for 300% OFF your next romantic colonoscopy. That's cuadruple triple-double-long-u-int double-double-you dot dot dot nodecency-comma.io.com.ai to get PAID in CASH for 24/7 free parking inside your ASSHOLE. Big thanks to RectSpace for sponsoring this rant!

  • 6
    WordPress devs aren't real devs but slowly become them because WordPress breaks all the time

    also it's not all that bad. because when these sites become dumpster fires who you gonna call? that's job security working its way out
  • 3
    Wow, a rant where this platform actually is build for! That's rare. Nice.

    You are right. If it is about money, the best thing you could sell is a plain html site with content management. Sell adding new content for 5,- and 2,50 for content update. Expensive? Hell yeah, but you'll offer to maintain quality, guarantee correct grammar of articles they wrote themselves with commercial writing advise(trough llm's). Manage all sites using git. No updates or worried to for getting hacked. Also, adding special plugins to your own html site is ten times easier than writing a wordpress plugin that has a vendor (wordpress) - AND - template(the one you stole and based on) lock-in.

    I wouldn't mind to do stuff above as profession. Quality web mastering. Giving you customers access to modify content can end up removing the site from your portfolio because of terrible changes they made.
  • 2
    @jestdotty "also it's not all that bad. because when these sites become dumpster fires who you gonna call? that's job security working its way out". Totally, also the mentality of outsource devs. You can spend hours making something perfect and never get called again (happened to me once when I made software completely dynamic configurable... A simple system camera system I had designed later got used for a mass amount of camera's. It was a project on the side for someone for only 500,- or smth, is was very young).

    Making things perfect is also bad for TTM. TTM is everything. Quality often doesn't matter (sadly.)
  • 1
    @retoor I didn't know devRant was built for fake advertisements. Hmm, time to double down on the sponsored segments...
  • 1
    @Liebranca the advertisement is fake? :( Sad, it actually worked and i've read it all.
  • 1
    @retoor Please tell me you did NOT visit cuadruple triple-double-long-u-int double-double-you dot dot dot nodecency-comma.io.com.ai and use my promo code NEEDGULAG for 300% OFF free parking...
  • 3
    @Liebranca I did but used the honey coupon instead.

    Have you heard about the honey coupon drama? The biggest scammers / hackers of today imho! They screwed over EVERYONE. Everyone was like 'use honey, discount'.

    See this, I watched it fully, it's good: https://youtube.com/watch/...
  • 2
    @jestdotty When those sites become dumpster fires, they will get ChatGPT to generate a different kind of dumpster fire.
  • 2
    @donkulator these days they will be initially created with chatgpt I guess. To be honest, if you will generate a site using chatgpt, there must be better options than word press. But I don't have a lot of knowledge about building sites with a CMS.

    A lot of people already made money with stealing templates and combining them with wordpress so, what is new actually? I do not think they're less ethical by using gpt for it than what they already did. It's just optimization in workflow.
  • 1
    @retoor Oh, so unexpected! Did famous multimillionaire good-for-nothing utter piece of shit leeches of society that live off swampswallowing corporate fluids on the internet really push malware on their brainrotten audience and kept absolutely silent about it for years despite their own money being poached? What a twist!

    Seriously though, this some first world normie shit. What are these bitches saving money for anyway, all theyre gonna do is buy expensive worthless crap they dont need. Bunch of losers. It always goes from "FREE money!" to "the moist internal walls of my anus have been mercilessly slaughtered" pretty fucking quick doesnt it. Yet they never learn.

    Well, who cares. If I have to part with a few extra bucks, but the cocksucker living off of adverts gets NO money, then I'm paying full price. Fuck him. Thats the leninist-stallmanist-interjectionist mindset, or as I've taken to calling it, GNU plus communism.

    Anyway, adverts are cancer; vote uBlock for president.
  • 1
    @Liebranca interesting way of saying how much you liked my proposed video :P
  • 1
    @jestdotty you don't have to convince me about chatGPT. I'm a huge fan! :)

    Edit: but your own GPT is nice. If you pay for chatGPT. YOu can build your own GPT that is way more powerful than the openai gpt-4o api. You can train it very easy just by uploading whatever you want! With some extra knowledge, you can upload to the api also whatever you want but... It isn't way as good as the "own GPT" feature of paid GPT does. The bastards keep the good stuff for themselves.
  • 1
    @retoor It's the coffee doing things to my brain :B
  • 2
    @Liebranca i wish that coffee did that to me. But gladly, amphetamine is for me almost the same price so meh.
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