
Antivaxxers’ children be having midlife crisis at the age of three

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    I wish I had never vaccinated any of my kids. Big corps are bad except big pharma. The propaganda is unreal.

    Guess which industry has paid out the largest fines in history for criminal activity?
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    @Demolishun what would it take to convince you that vaccines are good for you? Can you be reconvinced at all?
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    @kiki Depends which one.
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    @Root that vaccines are a good thing. big pharma bad and that's common knowledge
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    @kiki you would have to erase the last 4 years. I cannot unsee what I have learned. Most people have no clue how evil the medical industry actually is.
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    @Demolishun I know that the medical industry is bad, but I'm talking about just the vaccines themselves. do you believe that they help prevent disease?
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    @kiki Actual vaccines, sure! Code injection written by juniors new to the language with no test cases and shipped with an “AS-IS” warranty? No.
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    @kiki in theory, not in execution. I believe the reality is that the last 20 to 30 years they have been a bioweapon. mRNA is just garbage that killed all the lab animals no matter what they tried. When they tested lab animals with mRNA, if the animal was exposed to the disease it was supposed to protect from. The animal would experience an over reaction which leads to a cytokine storm in the body and kills the animal. I believe mRNA for covid was an attempt at mass murder and population reduction. The more I learned I came to believe that there was never an actual pandemic either. Communities that didn't consume MSM content didn't get covid.
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    @Root I think SIDS is completely caused by traditional vaccines.
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    @Demolishun so you're against MRNA vaccines but not against more traditional vaccines that have weakened natural virus in them?
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    @kiki if they aren't laced with Thimerisol.

    edit: or other harmful substances
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    @Demolishun why do you think Thimerisol is harmful? Having one atom of mercury in a molecule doesn't make that molecule behave like mercury in any shape or form. If you put together sodium metal — a highly reactive substance that explodes upon contact with water, and chlorine — a poison gas used in WWI, you get table salt.
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    I did not vaccinate because I was worried about their competence more than a virus. I did not see any reason to vaccinate so I didn't. It's just common sense. Clear. Bot goddamn, what did I get a shit about that from everyone. If you didn't vaxinate, you got called a 'wappie' and 'wappies' are kinda known as the losers of society here. A lot of them believe in conspiracy theories and are considered crazy. So, I had a hard time. Fuck everone for that. The Netherlands was so devided back then.

    But also, Kiki, virology almost got cancelled at a science because a lot was impossible to reproduce. Also to make an isolate of a virus is never done before. Only because the DNA tech came and some other stuff, it was been kept as a scrience in the form of computer games. And that's how they developed all that shit. All theoretic computer games. I think, that the vaccines did absolutely nothing. Also the former vaccines, they came also came late when almost over..
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    While doing the vaccinations, the amount of infections kept going higher and higher and it was obvious that it didn't work. At a certain moment out of nowhere we stopped counting and the 'virus' just disappeared himself. Everything was one big TV show. Nothing was real.
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    Do you know why we can talk unlimited about this shit? Because it's vague. If it was clear, we could speak with one liners. It isn't that complex at all.
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    Russia made Covid disappear.
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    Can agree with you but vaccines are only a small chunk of what you are consuming from pharmaceutical companies.
    I agree with @retoor otherwise, incompetence is what scares me the most in those cases, more than deliberate bad intentions like controlling the world or other stuff like this. Plus, first vaccines were created with good intentions, nowadays they are created primarily for profit which can lead to unreasonable behaviours.
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    @retoor any sources that I can read about virology almost being canceled?
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    @retoor here are some one-liners for you: viruses exist. Viruses cause disease. Vaccines help prevent disease. Vaccines eradicated smallpox. Big pharma bad.
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    @Demolish @retoor was Covid pandemic used as an opportunity to test all kinds of population control mechanisms? hell yes!
    Does it mean that we should reject ALL vaccines even though they happen to be made by big pharma? I don’t think so. Blind anti-establishment bias makes people vulnerable to manipulation. If we want to unite against potential oppression, we have to agree to some extent.
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    - and autoimmune conditions, like autism — false

    - they don't actually look like the virus — false

    - there's a difference between an injection and it going through your gut though — false, mercury blood levels rise more from fish than from vaccine

    - it didn't "cure polio" — false

    - it is biological and found in onions — as you yourself said, there's a difference between an injection and it going through your gut though

    - back of throat has the best density of immune responsiveness cells — false

    - otherwise you'll get trained immune reactions to basically RNG-created protein strands — false

    - you can deplete your immune system (from vaccines) — false

    - you basically have temporary AIDS — false

    - vitamin d (which is necessary for turning off an immune response) — false

    - vitamin c which is an antiviral — so false that it's not even funny

    - high cholesterol is your body being starved for vitamin d — false
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    If I was Pfizer/Moderna/any big pharma, I would've had special antivaxx online crews spreading antivaxx fud. I need people divided on the topic.

    United people can demand concrete measures. I don't want that.

    Divided people though… I can go to the govt, point my finger at those ppl and say: “Look, they're all antivaxxers who know nothing about vaccines if they argue about the basics. Forced vaccinations, now!”, and the govt will agree

    antivaxxers are big pharma's best friends and are a product of big pharma
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    @jestdotty you can't explain this to people who won't see. Its the MSM mind virus. They do what the media tells them. They really don't get it until they experience an inconsistency in the narrative which breaks the spell. Then you start seeing little bits of info hear and there that really breaks the facade down. For you it was being injured by the covid vaccine. The illusion now has no power of you.

    I think in the next few months we will see a lot of new information about all of this though. Finally have a health director who isn't a complete POS.
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    @kiki I searcher four pages for you, no. The whole internet is rewritten regarding virus information. It was a podcast from Jorn Luca but dong know the name of who told it. It's dutch anyway. The stuff the guy said made a lot of sense while the stuff from doctors didn't at all. Did you learn smth regarding viruses from pandemic? I didn't. They just don't have much to tell. It's all in their computer. Also, there wasn't much going on. I don't read news so for me it was crazy how people behaved. I was just normal, didn't notice anything from a virus. It was a complete mass psychosis. And that viruses exist, sure. Probably. But if I were you I wouldn't be that confident about it. We have seen absurd incompetence like never before. And vaccines maybe don't work. There was a lot of weird stuff in vaccines back in the day and it just triggered the immune system. I don't have faith in them. I also don't know hou you even can.
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    Ah fuck, I'm already too tired from this subject. The thing is, there was nothing to be worried about. Now, people just have to admit that almost everyone was wrong. We should fire all those journalists for not doing their job. They created horror.
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    @jestdotty terrorism means when the "citizens go against government". Do you call those people citizens? :P
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    @retoor most of their money comes from pharma. They are paid crisis actors.
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    @kiki I am convinced vaccines are ok in general.

    Covid vaccine though? They were a scam forced on a captive population so that pfizer could make billion.

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    @Demolishun do you think they're hiring? It sounds fun as hell
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    @retoor wow, reading few of my former messages and wow. It looks like that, but i don't drink. Maybe I need to learn to type again or smth. That just ignoring of typo's what I once decided to do gets out of control. I do think it's ok to just not correct your typo's anymore, but I really make too much.
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    @jestdotty Haha, yes. According to stats i'm the most ignored on devrant. Who cares.
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