
Today I made a decission to apply to "music and sound design¹" study programme at University of Constantine the Philosoher(UKF) in my hometown instead of applying to "IT security²" study programme at ČVUT in Prague(Czech Republic)... Can I still consider myself a dev? 🤔

¹ for people who want to do sound mixing and so on
² basically network and sys admin stuff

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    I dont know but ukf dubstep releases are always lit
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    too bad for your decision, we could've had couple beers if you picked prague.. gl though
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    @myss I occasionally go to Prague to hang out with friends and my mom is considering buying a flat in Prague because she is going to teach massmedia communication and advertisements at one of the universities in Prague (I don't remember which one) so maybe then I would be able to stay longer than 2 days in Prague.
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    @BindView nah... UKF means Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa in this case
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    A rant with footnotes, thats a first 😂
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    Thanks @Rematix for the ++es :-D dunno how I deserved them but thanks :-)
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    update: scratch this !rant, I just also applied for IT security in Zlin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    however this one is a bit different from the CVUT one, this is more about pentesting
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    @D3add3d I'm a fellow (hobby) pentester from Slovakia, cheers :)
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    @Rematix good to know

    mohli by sme niekedy skočiť na pivo a pomstu z lesa :-D (jk pomstu z lesa radšej nie, pivo stačí) 🍻
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    @D3add3d niesom proti ani jednemu, ale dlhodobo byvam v brne :D
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    @Rematix to je realizovatelné, za týždeň mám výsledky SCIO testov tak možno to bude aj to Brno :D je to pre mňa taká lotéria že skúsim a uvidím kde zoberú (ale nerobí mi ani problém sadnúť na bus alebo vlak a ísť do Brna
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    Je to "ofišl", 81 percentil SCIO z matematiky takže hor sa do Prahy!

    It is official, 81st percentile in SCIO exams from mathematics, so Prague it is!
  • 1
    @myss Picked Prague after all! (Because 81 percentile in SCIO exams from mathematics is great result for me)
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