At times, I find stackoverflow community rude. It is, as if all they care about is boasting their virtual ego i.e. points.

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    Welcome to devRant! If they come to devRant they have to leave the attitude behind 😀
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    Yes, I would like that 😀 @Jumpshot44
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    i was thinking of building like a non SO documentation board like allowing people to make ammendments and stuff
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    like a more welcoming version of stackoverflow based around documentating thing - So is question based im thinking explaining langauges and such and allowing people to upvote on things that work.

    i hate the idea of people being left out because of being new - anyone willing to learn is welcome.
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    @wildgoosecsharp mind sharing your idea? Sounds quite interesting. Is the idea to provide some kind of "global" blog were people can document (post entries) explaining certain things or behaviours?
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    is it still Q/A type? or is it documententation with the ability that anyone can alter it?@wildgoosecsharp
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    ikr! I was a java begginer and asked a well question on Android's context thingy, all I received was hate. @Fixxel
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    its something ive been working out in my head for a while - main focus was to be a cross between how wiki allows anyone to edit and how stack allows people to assist.

    not 100% with how it would work but i would wanna intergrate alot into it as well as a decent community base the whole point is freedom of code
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    less of a blog imagin code where everything in it is clickable and draws up examples
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    Truth has been spoken
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    I actually replied to a comment telling him: 'that was a douche response. post to help not be a douche'
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    @wildgooseecsharp SO stole your idea

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    @heyheni @wildgoosecsharp holy that looks amazing! I hope it will become a thing some day. SO doc is really nice.
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    I find it all the times to be like that
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    Maybe their strict rules make for such a useful resource?
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    Unfortunate really.
    I think that's in direct connection to the way the industry is; arrogance and ego being the loudest voice
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    The reason SO is so influential right now is the huge amount of time people put into trimming shitty questions. Down voting / close votes. I know it isn't a popular opinion here, but usually if a question is being down voted, there is a good reason.

    If SO were left to accumulate bad questions, then SO would become an indecipherable mess. Nobody would use it.
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