So... Portugal already have CS classes for almost 20 years. Don't know what they teach now but everyone would know how to use windows, word and excel (specially kids without computers). My course was computers (what was called back then) and we spend half an year doing logic programming in paper and algorithms...
Any class that teaches programming should always start with logic programming, because you can apply it to any language...
Example: my latest programming class was 3 years ago, I did a CNC course (to work with machines that make molds... Think a 3d printer that cuts steel instead of pushing polimers) and my first question was :don't we start with logic programming or algorithms? The teacher first teased me... Then asked what is logic programming....
Resuming... At the end I was the only one who could use functions and variables... (check g-code and heidenhein, you'll get it).

Other then that I was the only one who got a job working cnc machines, everyone else that also got a job whent for the manual labor part (the molds are finished by hand)...

So... My thoughts... Any CS class that teaches programing should start with logic programming and algorithms... That's the foundation to learn any programming language.

  • 0
    Almost 20 years?... In the early 90's CS was already established in universities. That was almost 30 years ago... :/
  • 1
    @pmike I ment in schools... Like 15 years old kids...
    For most kids that was the only touch with computers they had
  • 0
    @RodrigoF in highschools too but it was not so widespread, indeed.
  • 0
    Well... Portugal only got internet in 92...
  • 0
    @RodrigoF where do you get those facts?
  • 1
    @pmike by remembering...
    I was in school, taking computer science classes when the generic computer science class was created (mine was specially for programmers, the generic teaches the basics on windows, office and internet)
    Also, I got internet two years after the Portuguese phone service started the first internet service.
    So It was 94 or 95 when I got internet...
    Btw my classes were bullshit for a reason... Next year class had html, flash, visual Studio and other new technologies, my year got Pascal, C++ and Visual basic....
    If only I had flunked one year...
  • 1
    @RodrigoF public reach to the internet is one thing... Internet in portugal is another and yes, it took a long while until the first ISP appeared . all the best ;)
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