
Don't look at my laptop and tell me to close all my tabs. They are mine mine not yours!!!!

  • 14
    Exactly. Get your own tabs to close. Geesh.
  • 2
    Exactly my point... They should get theirs closed and stop peeping😤
  • 7
    At least people ask you. Once, a guy took my laptop to search a movie and started closing them.
  • 0
    or that due that tells you your background sucks change it >_>
  • 0
    @dmonkey u didn't chase him off
  • 2
    @Promise he was a big guy... too big.
  • 1
    @gitpush a times when I notice someone pass through looking at my laptop I just shot it😡
  • 2
    So are there people here who actually have like 350 tabs open in their FireFox? I saw a post about it on hackernews where one guy had that, I could not figure out why you would do that. Could someone enlighten me?
  • 0
    Get a hakertyper tab opened and switch to it when they do! They’ll have nightmares!
  • 2
    I am on a tab diet and I use a chrome extension which limits me to 5 tabs instead of having at least 15 tabs
    On 4 windows
    on 3 desktops
    while running a game in the background
    Really helped a lot with battery life
  • 0
    @koenvdb Tabs tend to accumulate over time when you work on multiple projects at the same time and keep some articles open to read later. Personally I don't come back to the stuff that's buried somewhere in the middle of the tab bar and don't even remember most of what's there.
    I had close to 400 tabs open when I decided it was time to clean the tab bar.
  • 0
    Another guy on my team has so many Atom tabs open. I don't think he closes them when he's done just over the months loads up new ones and new ones.
  • 1
    How do you do it?! I've used Chrome forever but recently it's become such a resource hog that I can barely have 8-10 tabs open before the whole computer starts to crawl.
  • 0
    Protip: bookmark all tabs in a window into a folder, and when you need them, open all bookmarks in the folder in a new window.
  • 0
    I don't care about your tabs, but I will tell you to use a fucking dark theme of you aren't already.
  • 0
    @irene That sure is a good idea but sadly it has it's drawbacks too. I'm using pocket for read-it-later purposes and have accumulated over a thousand articles over three or four years. Yeah, I know, I'm bad at actually reading stuff. But same thing would happen with read-later folder for me as I would have lower motivation to remove the bookmark than to close the tab.

    Nowadays I'm trying to keep the tab count below 10 by actually doing stuff right away and closing no longer needed tabs when I close the browser.
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