I'm about to put an iframe in an Angular app that displays a Java applet. This isn't development, it's a suicide note

  • 2
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    How's the result?
  • 5
    @arathmorr Authentication is currently broken so 🤷
  • 17
    I would wish you luck but that would imply support of that abomination you're making
  • 5
    Ah, so you are embedding something good in an angular app
  • 1
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    Can I help you with anything?
  • 0
    Holy shit...
  • 1
    Update: this got so much worse.

    The software I'm putting into the iframe has never been exposed to external users. So I had to come up with a solution to expose it just through the application server, which means proxies and firewalls abound.

    Turns out the software uses absolute URLs everywhere (for no reason). So we had to edit the sections that we were exposing to use relative URLs.

    Then it still didn't work outside the VPN.

    Then I realized the application server was only proxying GET requests because I'm a dumbass. So I fixed that.

    Then it worked for me. And not for the project manager. So I'm still debugging this fucking monstrosity.

    There is no God. There is only the applet. There is only IE11. There is only Windows.

    Stallman, forgive me.
  • 1
    I'm not going to say I'm proud of this monstrosity. I'm not, it's an abomination.

    But I'll be damned, it actually fucking works. I rewrote the application server from Java/Spring/Tomcat to Node.js/Express in 3ish weeks. I built deployment scripts. I convinced operations to give me carte blanche on deployments. I even piped in this fucking Java applet through an iframe through multiple proxies and firewalls.

    I might be a little drunk. And I think I might be a better developer than I give myself credit for.
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