
Made an Android app a while ago. I needed some pet project so I decided to go with Java for Android. First time, no experience at all.

So everything went ok, I had a little help from a colleague, structuring code, and pushing to the store. Work done app was doing ok.

A year later I came back to this project. I needed to fix a bug - date time and daylight savings crap. 😥

Spent a week on it. Ready to push a new version to the store, with some extra features! Build apk. All good.

Wait. I need to sign the APK? Wtf. I had to format my hard drive. How do I recover my fucking certificate?

*Google's for a while*

No fucking way. I can't restore the certificate. Or get the keystore back. The solution is to create a new app with a brand new package name?

Thanks for nothing, I'm done with Android development.

  • 8
    Well... It's definitely your fault that you haven't backup this keystore to some safe, maybe even remote, location. But you are entirely right about the fact that keystore should be available to restore or changed in store.
  • 2
    @Agred absolutely. I was in a hurry to get it to the PlayStore. 😜 Lesson learned!
  • 1
    I don't see a good reason for you to give up. You will certainly find such frustrations in almost anything you pursue in life.
  • 1
    Thank you for your support @Artin . I will definitely give it another try, sooner or later. 🙄
  • 0
    @Agred is it not the point of the signing that only the original can do it?

    Same as the keys in AWS... If you lose your .pem file, you gotta start again.
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    @seraphimsystems Well, it is and you are probably right. I just didn't want to sound like a dick :)
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    @Agred oh, did I sound like a dick?

    My bad...

  • 0
    Well... RTFM moment.
  • 2
    @seraphimsystems Nah, you didn't. My message to @Ganzalf sounded a bit passive aggressive in my mind and so I wanted to make sure it's not received like that. Obviously you can't change keystore for a reason and it's user's fault if it's lost.
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