I’ve started at a new place - the team use Trello to share code 😳They are happy to zip a folder, upload and download each time a project is updated.

I’ve tried to sell the benefits of Git however some have such conviction that it would be worse. FML.

  • 0
    Isn't that how Linux used to be distributed (minus the zipping and with ftp instead of trello), because Linus didn't like SVN? Maybe your co-workers will get mad one day and bring about the next big thing.
  • 0
    @tiberius1900 ? That’s not even slightly related.
  • 1
    Trello to share code? That sounds kinda stupid..

    Although I do like Trello.
  • 2
    *leaves company*
  • 2
  • 0
    Maybe they just want to utilize the premium account of their trello.

    And can't afford to buy some Github private repo. ((Lol))
  • 3
    I’ve seen Google drive or Dropbox repositories but Trello... gotta give em creative points...
  • 0
    @byanjati ahha no! It gets worse everyone is on a personal free version of Trello!
  • 0
    @succcubbus do you know how many Devs have said the same thing...
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