moving to cli only because desktop contains distracshiunns.

can someone answer me some questions?

1) where to download a lot of music (hardstyle)
2) how to do project management in vim?
3) how to tmux in multiscreen?
4) how to use github in cli well (ik how it works, but maybe there are some things that are good to knew)
5) is lynx REALLY my only option for browsing the web?

hope my questions can help some fellow ranters, thanks in advance for answering

  • 1
    @killermenpl thanks!

    1) O yea spotify.
    2) Is there a list of many plugins for vim?
    3) i meant multiple monitors
    4) thanks :)
    5) *dies inside*

    the thing about terminal emulators is that i can alt tab out of them and then i end up doing other things like watching youtube
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    @gnulinuxer4fun won't it just be easier to blacklist youtube and other distractions, on the router?
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    @AndSoWeCode but sometimes i want the distractions.

    also, to be very very honest, i want to show off with my cli skills xD
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    @killermenpl mhh thanks!
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    This is an awesome rant
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    @gnulinuxer4fun for 3)
    There is tmux, but also screen
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    5) there is this `links2 -g` it's a graphical webbrowser inside the cli

    just found it, I'm downloading it right now
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    it does kinda of work, but it's shitty as well, but, it is super fast and it does render imgs
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    I would recommend awesome vimrc and oh my zsh for setting up your enviroment. You might also try i3 instead of going straight cli only but i definatly understand wanting too!
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    1) deluge/museek and mpg123/ogg123/mpg321
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    elinks is a bit better than lynx, it handles css better.
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    4) are you doing more than init, commit, push, pull, branch, and merge?
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    Well those are all really easy on the command line. I actually have never used graphical tools for them, except maybe pull.
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    Seriously... ever heard of google?
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    @sticreations yea - but asking here saves me a lot of time (NO I WILL NOT FIDDLE AROUND IN XORG CONFIGS; THOUGH GOOGLE MIGHT SUGGEST IT)
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    I second @wvitguy, what you actually want is i3 desktop, it really is the best of both worlds for power users, give it a try, there is no turning back
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    @elgamine Oki thanks :)
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    DistractOff (chrome plug in) helps me a lot against "impulsive procrastination".
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    As @elgamine said I myself just switched about 3 months back and now all my rigs run i3
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    Btw, mpsyt is really cool too
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