
So I wrote some code to sort images in folders based on dates.
Like 2024>06>12.

I thought thats a good little script for GPT to help me out as I wanted to write it in rust.

Everything was fine and after processing all images and videos for 24 hours I was happy.

My test runs worked well.

Two days passed and I realize something.

Some images are not put in date folders. Why? Well I guess a little bug.

Starting to dive deep and checking if other images are in folders.

I see that I have images in folders since 2015 for most months and dates.

But why are some not put in exact day folders.

So another deep dive and I find out that the creation date is different to the folder the images are in.

Often its off by months.

Turns out I forgot to double check how the code generated by GPT maps the time between image creation date and unix epoch to a date folder.

It was just doing a division by an approximation of seconds that a month has, a year has, and a day has.

This caused things to be completely off the further away we go from 1970.

Lucky me that I did not mess up the creation dates :)

Looks like another 24 hours run

  • 4
    > Turns out I forgot to double check how the code generated by GPT

    so... classic blatant user error, then?
  • 2
    That's actually something fun to write! How can it take 24hrs tho? Is it on remote source or smth?

    I once ran a brute force on smth where i knew the answer to for a few days to check if it took as long as expected :P

    Lucky that your dates are correct, I think all my photos have f-ed up dates. Backup on backup etc.

    And idea for your project: Do AI image tagging on all of images and add a web search interface! Also ability to star some favourites. So much fun things to do with it. While AI is cheap as F, image tagging, i'm not sure. Maybe the project can become even more interesting with a self hosted ollama model that does it. It's not complex to do, but you need a sexii PC. If you want, I can help.
  • 2
    Layer 8 problem...
  • 2
    instead of how much help can AI make there should be a metric by how much fuckups
  • 2
    If you have AI write code for you, rather than simply expand existing patterns, assume every line of it is wrong. Actually, assume that no matter what it does. AI sucks.
  • 1
    @Root I agree, I was experimenting with it back then but stopped using it altogether now
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