I feel like my Uni is setting me up more for failure then success.

One of my courses needed for graduation is only offered in the spring of even years. Can't wait for 2020!

  • 3
    This "computing ethics" course that is required by my program is offered once every other 2 years lmao. The program needs a major overhaul needless to say
  • 2
    Check out other universities and colleges in your area. It's not uncommon to be able to take a course elsewhere that gives the credit you need, and transfer it to your institution. Additionally, universities and colleges typically do not have strict entrance requirements for people just taking a class or two, not as a degree, so it's much easier to get in to do this. Depending on what's normal in your province or state of course. Also, be very, very careful to ensure that your university WILL accept the other institution's course as transferable credit for the course you need.

    It may sound like a lot of hassle, but I've done it for a couple courses, and it was VERY worth it, not to mention I did them at a college and saved almost 1000$.
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    My university offered me a waiver when I told them I needed it sooner to graduate!
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    Since when do they set you for success?
    They don't!
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    ... did you know that:
    1. 2018 is an even number
    2. spring is yet to come?
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    @Midnigh-shcode Spring semester is from January to May.
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    @juneeighteen hopefully mine does the same.
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    @brandmorg I had to ask Some
    Professors first and they told me who in the dean’s office would be the favorable person to speak with.
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    2020 was great wasn't it
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