
Bash on Windows is incoming soon! As a dual boot win10/Ubuntu user I am pretty psyched. Curious as to what you all think, and opinions from insider program participants.

I just hope it isn't half-assed.

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    I've already used it and Imo its damn good, the only issue is the file system as it's still ntfs so all files have perm 777 by default
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    I always used git bash integration on windows so I do not know how the ubuntu integration will be different from that.
  • 1
    Bash on Windows is pretty awesome. They used the old NT kernel for what it was actually designed for, running subsystems of other systems to provide multiple platforms... Errr, Essentially. They don't have everything worked out yet, but a vast majority of the utilities are available.
  • 1
    @killermenpl hey there, looks like you had the same issue. Is there a known issue with network? I couldn't use npm install cause it gets stuck in the middle
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