
!rant my PC is starting to look decent!

  • 7
    Definitely needs more devrant stickers
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    Ahh I hate you guys with so many stickers... All i have is a cat, a shark and dig-ocean from the hacktoberfest 😭. No response from devrant too 😩😩
  • 1
    Where do you have all the GitHub stickers from? Did you bought them or did you some kind of survey or something?
  • 2
    If that's true , then your comment is totally sarcastic!@peacWhis
    A pornhub sticker!😂😂 How cool is that! you definitely don't get this for daily jerking off,did you? xD
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    Oh mann, bite me !(if that's the real use of this phrase) 😂 wish i was in your class during presentations xD
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    @nicogramm I bought them
  • 1
    Holy Shit. That's sick
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    @chaostools yes I have clean case with just component stickers like intel, asus and noctua🤗
  • 0
    No offence. Looks like paper patches.
    Keep it clean or fully covered it stickers.
  • 2
    How can you do that?

    I absolutely can't put stickers on anything because to me, they make my device less visually apoealing. I can't put it on my laptop or anything.

    The only thing I've done was chosen one sticker, obviously devRant—but I was close to choosing git—and placed it on the inside of my phone case. That's all I'll do with them. I should probably stop buying stickers because instead of using them, I just stare at them lol.
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    @zokazavevu my plan is to cover the whole case... But I need more stickers
  • 2
    @Michelle i guess it's personal prefernce
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