

  • 3
    How did he forget?
  • 3
    @DjSall obviously he didn't write code for 6 years
  • 6
    @leksyib I know, but you don't forget shit you were good at in 6 years.
  • 3
    @DjSall Yeah. but a lot of changes would've happened. Can you compare javascript in the last 6 years with javascript now?
  • 14
    But was the hoodie mandatory?
  • 4
    @Xaldos can't I just wear a dirty tee and grow my beard a bit?
  • 2
    Seen it last year, obviously is a fake - unless you just dug this up from your screenshots. Either way, I'm not trusting this article.
  • 2
    Facebook at it again.
    I've seen this picture and the title on Facebook many years ago.
    Repost over repost.
  • 1
    Nothing wrong with automating your job.
  • 4
    Boss: hey devs do you automate your job?
    Devs: Yes! In every way possible! The build pipeline we set up six years ago not only builds the code but it also runs the test suite. We have this nice ide that does autocomplete and a ticket system creates tickets when users mail us. Also there is automated monitoring on prod so we know if there are issues before the users see it.
    Boss: you're fired
  • 1
    I am assuming he had a dull repetitive boring job that a piece of code could do for 6 damn years. Glad he got rid of it. I am sure he learnt something new in 6 years.
  • 0
    What the fuck is this bullshiy
  • 0
    If he could automate a paid job for 6 year without anyone knowing i would pay him more to automate it for other clients not fire him!
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