
So a team of 3 went to a hackathon. One of us didn't know how to code, the other just front end and I back end.
So we started with some ideas and choose one, starting to code it.
After we were about 80 precent into it at the end of day 2 (the event had 3 days) one of the coaches came to us, saying our idea is already a launched startup out there and we had to have a change of idea at the beginning of the third day.
Other two completed the simple front-end of the new idea about 7am and went to sleep.
And I, while was awake for 50 hours already, had to code backend of a minipay app from scratch in 10 hours.
That was HARD for a newbie like me, but in the end I did it.
We didn't win anything. But that was a really great experience for me. Plus coffee was provided infinitely there ;)

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    @irene Thanks. We all had a deal with the devil about health when we chose programming...
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    @irene I'll try to remember that. Even thou I'm still studying it's hard to keep late night coding from happening. Let alone work
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    @irene you are right, right, right and again, right. The words can't describe how quick does motivation and productivity go away and how _fucked_ it feels then.
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