
So a the noob I am, I have never coupled my programs with a GUI and only doing console apps, so I wanted to ask you; when making programs, methods and whatever, how do I link these methods to areas in a GUI to make a "proper" application for let's say windows? Any good places to go for ideas and whag framework is recommended?

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    which language?
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    MVVM with databinding
    SQL Server Express
    Visual Sudio Community

    It's all microsoft but it's all free
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    @2nd2NULL As of now I'd say C# and C, but I suppose theory is the same regardless? So whatever really. Am I mistaken that you have to make end points and access them from places in the GUI?
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    Javafx or c# using the built in gui tools for visual studio are the first things that come to mind. Depending on needs/goals you could just make a web app. Flask for python is pretty simple to get started with.
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    @teganburns SFML is for C++, for C there is SDL
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    @Binary I'm not sure who to reply, but is SFML mainly for C++ game development or is it actually good for any application?
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    SFML is for games and multimedia apps. Its not really good for gui apps or stuff like that
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    @Binary could you recommend one for gui apps then? Or you prefer the C one?
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    Qt is the best for gui in C++
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