
Anybody here a UI designer that can help me with a HTML/CSS page for a kiosk? Just need someone to help me set up the initial template, shouldnt take more than an hour if anyone has time to spare. I've been trying to do it myself but I keep screwing up div alignment.

  • 5
    This isn't really the place for help requests.

    However, if you're unfamiliar with core css positioning and alignment, then using bootstrap is probably in your best interest.
  • 6
  • 1
    @altermind bootstrap is a widely used css framework that exposes a number of tools.

    For example:

    that creates two containers that are both half the width of the screen. when the user is on a mobile device, both divs become the full width of the screen.
  • 1
    @brettmoan I agree, bootstrap is a core UI topic for beginners. Look it up.
  • 1
    @altermind uh, no. That's not what devrant is for.
  • 0
    @kevbost I'm not really a beginner, I know some HTML n CSS but I work on the backend mostly
  • 2
    For the excessively lazy:
  • 1
    @altermind I gave you an answer, and you spent more work typing a reply than reading the "what is bootstrap page" on bootstrap one site. It's okay to be lazy but only if "you're lazy like a fox" , (if you're not familiar with that saying it's similar to "don't reinvent the wheel"

    Why should I, or anyone tell you what bootstrap is when a.) they have a great definition themselves on their site in English , b.) you speak English, and are asking for an explanation in English, c.) you have the Internet?
  • 1

    Check if you can find suitable from there and modify to your needs.
  • 2
    @altermind okay, well in your defense being sent a lmgtfy link is pretty demeaning

    however you have a problem, and were presented with a great possible solution, but you're rejecting it outright because you're too lazy to Google one word and read the first link?

    it's not my intention to be rude or to attack you, but as a beginner if you expect to get anywhere at all, you need to have the attitude of a sponge: to soak up as much knowledge as possible
  • -1
    @AdamGaskins first thing, ain't a beginner, judt dont know much about web design, its not my field. I did only a quick question for a quick answer, nothing more, I know that learning is important, but its like when you ask something to someone also if you could google it in a second, just to talk, nothing more, come on..
  • 3
    @all why the fk are you guys helping him out? He has no manners whatsoever and behaves like a 15 year old jerk. Wouldn't even consider helping such people. His first comment about "laziness and could someone sum it up" enforced my opinion. His comment took longer than googling bootstrap.

    And if you do not want to learn something new for solving your problems OP, than just be quite! Good luck writing your beautiful frontend in php, lil' backend guy
  • 0
    This is really boring, ok, I could have googled it, stop, I got my down votes, no problem, but please stop this discussion.
  • 1
    @altermind I guess this discussion is closed now.
  • 4
    Jeez, devrant is really hostile today.

    look at my cat http://i.imgur.com/kf6P37k.jpg
  • 1
    @kevbost your cat is evil
  • 2
    @kevbost we're all in a bad mood cause we have to go back to work tomorrow.
  • 2
    Why I get down votes for anything I say? I don't think is cat it's evil, it is cute, I was just kidding people! Cmon
  • 0
    Come on guys, you are better than this!
  • 0
    Keep the argument going. *grabs popcorn*
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  • 2
    gon a out all this down to good old fashion monday morning blues guys ......

    original OP doesnt sound like a dev at all sounds like someone trying ti make a quick buck making someone a website.

    its true though us developers are a while new breed come monday morning
  • 1
    @wildgoosecsharp Dang boy you writin like yer from East Tennessee
  • 0
    haha ill wittle it down to morning typing diffrent mind set on a monday lol.
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