
Got a child. Little under a year old.
We go to a little baby group nearby. We visit it from time to time. Just like 6 different babies there.

One baby has brown eyes. Mommy and daddy have blue eyes. Oh...

Next baby is blonde. Mommy is blonde. Daddy is blonde. Someone commented, that blonde was very likely with mommy and daddy. She said, no, her mother-in-law is black haired. She proves it by saying, her oldest son has black hair.... Oh....

Out of 6 parents pairs, we had 2 cheating. 1/3. And for the other 4, well, we only ever met the mother and they have not told us anything about their husbands.

This leads me to only one conclusion: People are terrible in high school level genetics. I know, it is not 100% correct, there are special cases and exceptions. But it it 99% correct.

To quote Rex Harrison: "This is what the British population calls an elementary education."

  • 3
    Thats wild haha
  • 3
    If you had blue eyes, and your wife too, and the kid would have green eyes. Would you be 100% sure she cheated if your wife says she didn't? There's ofcourse a big chance that they just accepted their lie to eachother and just live with it.
  • 1
    High school level genetics?
    I have no idea what the chances are to get different eye color, hair color, or even skin color. It‘s freaking biology. It feels like you need to be an expert to know all of that stuff.
  • 2
    Dark eyes and hair are dominant traits, that's bio 101, it's entirely possible for them to skip generations.
  • 1
    Or, rather, thats high school bio.
  • 2
    I must have skipped that part when it was taught in school.
    It’s also possible that I‘m becoming old and senile :)
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