
Have you ever applied for a job and then spiraled after a few days of not hearing anything back?

Me too! 🙄😭😭😭

  • 4
    I‘m lucky to be able to say no, but I can imagine it being very frustrating :/
  • 3
    I had one time that I was 100% sure that I would get it and didn't get it. I really was like "what the fuck happened". I was qualified, socially good match (most important often). Something must have happened. A company is as happy as you are with finding right match.

    A few days? Oh, I would count on a week or so. But sometimes it's even the same day indeed. But a few days.. Give it some time :)
  • 1
    Sometimes you only hear back at the end of their collection period, I wouldn't take it too hard. You sent one, now it's easier to send it to the next one
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