
There have been a few :)

If say it's a videos utter project I initially though was good. Apart from loading a view the controllers didn't do anything - my initial thought was some magic was happening behind the scenes.

However, when I opened up the view things changed.

ALL the business logic happened in the view. Everything. Form processing, consuming an app, file uploads, validation, crud ... You name it, it happened in view. The developer created a raw MySQL connection and build his queries by concatenation g strings, the whole system was wide open to sql injection.

Even more annoying was the "source control" he invented. Every file had several copies. I.e. "User(working).php", "user_v3.php" and even "user(working_no_profile_fields_1.php". It wasn't even like there was any consistency in what file was actually used either. A complete mess. The system had around 69 screens too. No idea how the developer got that gig.

  • 0
    he must of been a smooth talker during the interview. that's the thing if it works and does the job, the boss will be happy. if the boss has no knowledge about code, he probably thinks that's the best ever!
  • 0
    Ewell this was a project I inherited for a fairly large company that really relied up the said system. Assumed the developer would have been semi decent to land such a gig :)
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