Are there any other developers out there who find that people judge their skills based on the color scheme they use in an editor?

I started programming with software that only offered one color scheme and have never felt the need to move away from it since I'm used to it.

While I'm sitting in the office, co-workers often come up to me, take one look at the fact I'm using a light color scheme and feel the need to try and convert me to the dark side as if that will make me a better developer.

Does anybody else experience this?

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    no, because I use a dark theme, like a sane person
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    Yes. A thousand times yes!
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    I switched to dark themes to keep my eyes from melting, and I haven't looked back.
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    I use dark themes because the light theme of VS burns my eyes when I'm pulling an all-nighter.
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    I always try to find a dark mode on applications. But if there is no dark theme, so I use it light.

    But if someone prefer to use light theme. Well, it is his preference. People can use wherever they want, including IE6. Actually, I have to use IE with a specific project on work. It only works on IE (it come like this from the client).

    I cannot understand why people try to impose their point of view or preferences on others. While you are not making anything bad for others, life is yours. It's your computer, your IDE, your preferences. We should not judge anyone for anything. Each person knows its lives.
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    I haven't experienced it myself since I haven't had a programmer job yet, nor do I have any IRL programmer friends, but my opinion is that the best theme to use is whichever one that best helps you focus on your task.

    You should screw with them by going "Sure!" and then whenever they come back next time, you've changed the background to a #ff0 yellow and the text to a #00f blue, using Comic Sans as font. :) Maybe then they'll be just fine with your light theme.
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    I have an extension for Chrome that allows me to use custom CSS themes for any website, but I only use it to get a dark theme for GitHub.
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    Mine wasn't under anyone's influence but I gradually got converted from light side to dark side and now I prefer it for every tool. If I don't find one, atleast I try to use a bit of night mode screen with that.
    BTW you're choice is yours. :)
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    @BaconatorNoVeg I use an extension(on Firefox tho... So basically an add on)
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    @BaconatorNoVeg what is the extension named?
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    The IDE i started with only offered white and yellow text (keywords were yellow iirc) on a blue background, i will never go back to that...
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    It's the light theme for me. Better contrast with font colours. Staring at the dark theme gives you free drugs when you look at sth else though. But that doesn't help concentration 8)
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    @BaconatorNoVeg there is also a dark StackOverflow theme

    Not that I use it so often i would need that or anything...
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    @Navigatr I love the blue background with yellow text. It reminds me Pascal.

    Pascal were the first language I learned (1996) and I love it just because of this.
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    @brunofontes I like to have my console in black background and green foreground for a classic retro feel 8)
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    @brunofontes I was thinking the other way around with blue text on a yellow background, just for the sake of making in a royal eyesore. :P That's kind of cool though. I'm way too young to have experienced that stuff, even though I wish I could have. (I was 3 years old in 1996...)
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    Randomising the background and foreground colours at every keystroke is the best 8)
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    If someone judge your skills based on your color scheme, THEY are the noob.
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    @FunkDelegate damn, if you're not epileptic yet, that way you'll be after a while anyway xD
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    @xewl Hardcore! 8)
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    No one has. I joined the dark side on my own
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    Would I judge your coding skills based off your colour scheme? No.

    But I would question the rest of your life choices.

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    @Navigatr oh, not a problem. Maybe you will have something like that after some years with your first language or IDE. :)

    OMG, I just pictured the yellow background in my mind and I am laughing about it! ahahahaha
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    Maybe blue background and white characters. Like 1990s windows BSOD 😁
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