
Today I learned that the U.S. Army uses metric system.

  • 7
    Everybody in the US uses the metric system. But we also use Imperial units, horses per cylinder, and cats murdered by rotary Wankel engines.
  • 3
    The only thing they measure in kilograms is cocaine
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    @SidTheITGuy we have perforation size units: 9mm, 10mm, etc.
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    @Demolishun 9mm? more like half of trump's manhood length
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    @kiki yes, we have home grown TDS too. Not sure the units, maybe ramblings per second?
  • 3
    @Demolishun there is an amazing Micropenis Trump painting that Trump wanted to sue the paintress over. If the case is defamation, then the defaming thing must be false, sooooo… you'll have to “prove” that in court. And court hearings are public.
  • 4

    So, guns and cocaine. Got it.
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    @kiki interesting, is downvoted enough to hide his message but still has zero points instead of -x. Adding a spammer I just described here: https://molodetz.nl/retoor/gists/.... I will execute it now. Thanks for reporting.
  • 1
    @kiki Yes, Ragnar has the cleanest RPC interface ever, it's like working with a local object, how an API should be. This is very easy to make with http as well and made that myself too but then you don't have a native client that you can use as a object like xmlrpc does. We're really crazy always doing that http requests, we just could do rest calls with body {"method":"register_spammer", "args" : ["Username"], {"exists_ok": True}} when someone executes httpClient.register_spammer("UserName", exist_ok=True). In JS this is possible to make exactly thus functionallity. Will make the client of snek.molodetz.nl that way. I will nowhere have stupid post / get requests. Function calling everywhere like it's native javascript. Why isnt this the default usage? Because all post and unable to cache? You don't want that anyway and it's still possible to make a http.client.get.spammer("usernamw"). To enforce it so caching could be a thing. All things execute after .get will be get with param
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