
Today I learned that power-to-weight ratio of modern passenger aircraft is so high that they can do a vertical takeoff. It should be almost impossible to stall those planes. I bet they can do barrel rolls just fine.
Even one engine is enough to fly safely.

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    If you live in some parts of California, the plane during heavy turbulence is probably a safer place than your house.
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    and then boewing enters the picture...
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    Overprovisioning can be a good thing after all.
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    That from one engine, i knew. Saw a video of an air plane just missing one completely and being fully operational. It needed to pick up and engine somewhere and the easiest way to do it is remove engine from airplane, fly to the other engine, mount it, fly back. Airplane engines are big things that doesn't give a lot of transport options.
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    @kiki I never understood the materials that american use for building ordinary houses. You know as much as I that slavs usually use the concrete.

    In that last California fire that didn't burn down concrete houses Americans called them "miracle" houses - I mean, here, even dogs have better houses regarding materials used!
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    Airplanes are designed with redundant systems.

    Mind you, a 4 engine plane can't really *fly* with just one engine, but it's designed to glide to a safe landing spot.

    And of course commercial planes can do barrel rolls. It's not hard, just fully turn the steering wheel. (Which on an airplane doesn't steer, it actually banks).

    The centripetal force would keep passengers glued to their seat anyway.
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    And no, commercial aircraft couldn't do vertical takeoff no matter what.
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    @CoreFusionX here‘s a vid of 787 doing just that: https://youtu.be/KYbM-3E11Qo
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    That's not quite what I'd call vertical takeoff. It hardly is vertical when you traverse the runway for 1 km before just taking off and pitching vertical.

    Vertical takeoff is what harrier fighters do, which is like an helicopter.
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