
Recently I discovered p5.js library and I can't believe that I was writing hundred lines before to make a fcking interactive GUI. The best part: it's based on Processing.

  • 2
    Um... You sure you want to write guis with p5...?
  • 1
    This is a dangerous path you are walking in my young padawan
  • 0
    Sorry for highjacking your rant, but anyone knows why did w3.js completely vanished from w3schools?
  • 1
    a@sharktits @matteusbrevik The GUI isn't for a job. It's ffor personal project.
  • 0
    @LuxARTS then go for it. I used it for when I worked with Arduino via bluetooth and needed to control it. It is a great tool for prototyping, but never for production.

    Either way.... I hated processing
  • 0
    @matteusbrevik As you said it's great for prototyping but not for a final product. Same for Arduino.
  • 1
    Love p5.js and also Daniel Shiffman
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