
body count 11 ❌
body count 12 ✅


  • 0
    i now have at least 3 girls (including my whore blonde ex) who fell in love w me and are attached while i feel absolutely fucking nothing.
  • 6
    Not something to be proud of imho.
    But I understand where you're coming from. Been there, done that
  • 4
    Maybe start doing it as a gigolo ? It will earn you money as a bonus too :D
  • 3
    Have the police caught wind yet? Where do you bury them OP?
  • 1
    This year or your whole life? Won't say it was that much but I lost count. Last few years not very active, I'm OK with that. I do not like one night stands and prefer with someone serious. Sex relationships are also meh - don't enjoy crazy stuff with someone I don't care about in that way, rather masturbate.

    Wish I was able to fall 11 or 12 times in love. I have huge issues finding a partner. Gets harder when older, you lose the stupid naiveness a bit for falling in love but I know it's still possible. Maybe I should just settle but currently too happy alone and already accepted that if I raise a kid, it won't probably be my own. It's ok. I did before for a while. Kid gave a lot of love and it was very rewarding. Not taking kids is the mistake of their lives people not doing it I guess. Kids cost money, but they bring more life experience than you can get elsewhere for that money.
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