

Updating PHP from 5 to 7.2 on windows server at work the other day... Thought it would be easy, but I really find software management for windows a pain in the ass compared to package based solutions like apt, brew or pacman. It ended up taking way too long due to dependcies with the website, that weren't really documented, and setting up all the software that depended on PHP over again... I ended up writing 10 pages of documentation about how to updated PHP on windows, so the next programmer would have some idea of how to approach the problem.

Of course I suggested switching over to Chocolatey for windows, but my boss is skeptical since it's not the traditional way, and it seems like it will take too many resources. So now I have to make a presentation for her to convince her that package managers are superior to downloading stuff from phps website.

Wish me luck.

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    Convince her to use CentOS or Rhel, will save you headaches :)
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    @-vim- I did actually suggest using a Linux server instead of windows 7 enterprise server which they use, but there is multiple developers that use the server that has no experience with Linux. So I'll have to make a compromise on that front and using chocolaty seems to be that middle ground.

    If I was head of IT I would use rhel in a blink of an eye, I havet tried Centos yet but I've heard good things about it.
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    @Sarcaxxo hey that looks great! I'll for sure take that into consideration thanks :)
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