
Fuck Arch wifi handling!!! Why can’t you fucking just have the needed software in the base package!!! Because when you take YOU FUCKING USB INSTALLATION SOMEWHERE THERE’S NO ETHERNET!!! You’re FUCKED!!! What’s the point! Now I need to boot from my lubuntu usb dual boot install, FUCKING INSTALL the Arch iso, VirtualBox and then the needed wifi packages!! Fuck!

  • 0
    There wasn't even drivers in kernel?
  • 3
    Why not just bake some generic drivers into the live package yourself?
  • 0
    Or boot the Arch ISO, which has WiFi stuff bundled, and install the WiFi stuff that you forgot to install earlier?
  • 0
    @fdgram I didn’t have an iso on a key, so I had to pass by vbox, but that’s what I did in vbox
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