An hour of finding an error didn't get any.
Cousin asked, "Why does iostream and conio have a ".h" but STRING DOESN'T?"

  • 7
    Erm who uses conio these days?
    bits/stdc++ should do the job I guess.
  • 2
    @silverstar Yes, I could use "bits/stdc++" header but my code doesn't require that lot of standard libraries which could also make my code slow.
  • 2
    Your compiler doesn't complain if you include files that don't exist? gcc would certainly complain.
  • 3
    The compiler doesn't complain because "string.h" has utilary functions for strings while "string" is the actual string include file.
    I had to learn it the hard way too. 😅
  • 5
    Oh, after some proper research I just found out that "string.h" is the old C-Include and "string" is the new C++ one. 🤔
  • 7
    Who needs C? Omg these DOS languages without GUI support!
    Just press F12 in your Chrome and you can code in Java like:
    name = prompt("Enter your name:")
    alert("Hello" + name)

    Easy code, no need for complicated IO hacks. Very efficient. No time wasted on slow compilations. Instead of "-Wall -ansi -pedantic" you can 'use strict'. Easy cross platform native code!

    Just kidding.
  • 7
    @Noob I was nodding vigorously until F12 led to Java.
  • 3
    @freakko laughed way hard at this 1...

    “Until F12 leads to java”😂😂😂😂😂
  • 2
    @TheKatze good morning
  • 1
    Debug Cousin
  • 0
    Press F to pay respect
  • 0
    No offence but you seem like a person who mixes c and c++. iostream shouldn't require .h

    Or maybe you're just using an old compiler
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