How to be an ignorant a**hole 101. Go to a meeting room. Pump up your meeting volume. Leave the door open so the whole floor can hear your meeting and you can diminish everyone's focus time. In case anyone closes the door, just open it again.

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    So in the early 2000s I worked on a floor with a LOT of cubicles. Back then people used email to share videos and pictures instead of via phone. Almost everyone had speakers and not headphones. So someone would send an mp3 around the office for people to listen to.

    It would go like this:

    1. email with mp3 with slightly provocative title

    2. the mp3 would be purposely really quiet at the beginning and it would have words you couldn't quite make out so you cranked the volume on your speakers to try to hear it.

    3. at full volume the mp3 would play "I LIKE GAY PORN! HEY EVERYONE! I LIKE TO WATCH GAY PORN!"

    4. at this point you would hear someone swear and turn off their audio player

    Why do the I mention the large floor with hundreds of people in cubicles? Because every once in a while you would hear this play out in random places across this floor. It was cheap entertainment during the day.
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