
Cleaning my system. Learned something new (do a vacuum on your journalctl logs).

Any way: biggest applications on my system in the screenshot.

Can I have an applause for google-cloud-cli for being bigger than open office?

That google-cloud-cli thing is not some advanced supertool that you installed for convenience, it's actually to get API access to certain google services and is really required. Install this thing, and magically - no idea how (there is no ENV key introduced, so it executes an app to resolve credentials or smth?) - your python applications are authenticated some how after logging in using a web interface.
- it's big
- not normal api key usage
- requires a web browser
- user of API key needs to know credentials of the owner of the key, so forget installing by someone else.

Google is crazy. Why would you build smth so different than any other API supplier. Why reinvent the wheel in a bad way. How can so much of it be client side.

Only positive thing is - that it works immediately after being surprised that it was really such big app that allows you API access.

It's impossible that such big system is safer than just a simple API key.

Also, if it provides interface and is requirement for other google libs it's just a freaking SDK.

  • 1
    Why 2 versions of Dotnet and openjdk?

    And what is windsurf?
  • 0
    @max19931 windsurf is an AI ide that I didn't try yet. Have it installed for ages.

    Multiple versions of dotnet and JDK is because of some application requirements.

    And it's 3 versions of JDK!
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