Talk about friendly fire.


  • 23
    I don't understand this issue. Marketers and ad algos exploit your data all the time....

    If your enraged because you "feel exploited" your just an idiot?
  • 12
    @billgates @1989

    Its like you start feeling the pain only when you see the wound.
  • 8
    @bitsnpieces what's the wound? Trump? If their blaming FB for making them vote for Trump... again they're mindless idiots and just looking for something to put the blame on...
  • 1
  • 4

    The wound in this case is the fact that your data is being sold. Only when there are reports and ironically there is something of this sort trending on twitter, do people realise the fact that they are literally being auctioned to the highest bidder.
  • 2
    Don't use Facebook services? I don't.
  • 6
    @bitsnpieces ehm.... Wow... That kind of realization is like 50 years too late. You know those credit scoring agencies... They got more dirt on you. They know where you live, where you've lived, how much you spend, when you bought a house, a car, ...

    And they sell all the data to banks, credit card companies, etc... Just like Facebook
  • 5

    We are talking about the general public here, not me or you. Hence, the original comment. You dont realise the pain until you see the wound. The facebook wound is now visible, rest of them will unfold slowly.
  • 4
    Delete Twitter aswell lul...
  • 0
    @bitsnpieces but I mean that seems to be saying ppl these days are getting dumber and dumber...

    So much for all that money spent on education...
  • 4

    You mean fake news?

    There is this app called inShorts that we have in India. Best news app ever.
  • 3

    Talking about getting dumber, you haven't(or I guess probably have) heard people talking about bitcoin and blockchain. The random conversations you hear about that are literally hilarious.
  • 3

    You want customised ads but dont want to compromise your data.?
  • 0
    I deleted the app off miles phone about 2 weeks ago, haven't even missed it.
  • 3
    In all honesty you gotta understand here that he's promoting his own security app here, trying to get people to migrate to it from Facebook
  • 1
    @divil it was 3am... I type whatever sounds right.
  • 4
    Wow this is getting deep. Maybe you won't need to delete Facebook. Soon it will be gone.
  • 0
    Delete google too! Oh wait...
  • 0
    Don't forget your tin foil hat
  • 0
    @olback honestly you've got to be 50 if you still are sooooo
  • 0
    Yes but time matters when you say that. At the time you were 19, Facebook was uses by younger generations.
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