Is eclipse Dying? yes according to this article

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    Imo it is. It is just like java, a giant bloatware that became way too complex to handle. I had to do some project configuring with tomcat lately, that shit didn't work until i discovered a new panel i've never seen before. Same with a similar project where eclipse gave you 4 places where you can edit the java-version used.

    Eclipse does it's job well, but it's bundling an editor with build and deployment tools in a way that makes it a binary headache.

    Atom on the other hand is a simple editor, you can easily install plugins if needed and you have a better documentation imo. Build and deployment are outsourced into other programs like gulp and webpack. They're still hell, but everything is better than clicking through a shitton of options.
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    This also lists netbeans at 12%. When was the last time you saw someone using netbeans. Exactly.

    Also its just a fucking ide, doesnt fucking matter what you use.
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    My friend uses NetBeans, I think it's shit but he apparently likes it.
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    Well the Nvidia eclipse based ide- nsight also doesn't feel good....
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    @noveusurp i chose the lesser evil. Discord (i didn't have any other electron app near me) takes up 240MB on my pc, eclipse exceeds 400MB at startup already.
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    @irene your helpful criticism inspired me to measure atom's memory when opened. A freshly installed atom takes up 310MB of memory. I admit that eclipse has more features and both are somewhat equally bloated, but eclipse feels way more overloaded, showing you 100 buttons at startup.
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