What I have learned from neutral networks for my life.

It's already a year that I'm familiar with NNs. I did not write anything serious and did not learn it that deep. But, actually, the basic knowledge gave me an interesting view to my life. I just want to share one fact with you.

There is a learning speed in NNs, which specifies how fast does the network learn. If it is too high, any new information will be accepted very easily but will wipe the past of the network's knowledge and if it is too low, the network will hardly accept new info but remember everything. When people born, they learn everything very fast and by the age they become more hard-learners Here, I've learned that you should not live in the past, and not for the current day. You just have to keep the balance.

  • 4
    That metaphor... is horribly wrong. But it is kinda ok, in a simplified way.
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