
Wtf how am I seeing job postings for senior blockchain developers with 8+ years of experience? Aint this shit like super new??

  • 12
    Was invented on 08. Idk if there's many people with 8 years experience or not, but it is possible.
  • 4
    8yrs is a bit stretching it lol, they wouldnt hire Vitalik based on that
  • 1
    @jhh2450 i legit had no idea
  • 2
    @AleCx04 I didn't either lmao. I Googled it though... You made me curious lol
  • 2
    😆😆😆 they even put +
  • 3
    Well bitcoin is based on blockchain, and its there for almost a decade, so its easily possible..
  • 2
    Well people are just getting into this now more, idk if they could actually find someone with so much experience

    Reminds me of this job posting requiring candidates to have 3-5 yrs of Angular experience
  • 2
    Well, I am feeling old now. Looked it up, the article of Satoshi Nakamoto becomes ten in November.

    And the theory behind blockchains can be at least broken down to merkle trees which are also 20 years older than bitcoin.

    So yes, there are definitely people with that much experience, but they would have to pay them a fortune to get those experts.
  • 1
    watch out, 100% of buzzwords are just new names to something that already exists
  • 1
    @Tommy314 that is true
  • 1
    Could someone explain Blockchain to me? Isn't it just a linked list with extra steps?
  • 0
    @Shardj you got it. That is literally all it is. Linked lists with a few extra things.
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