I read somewhere that 3 out of every 2 developers suck at math.

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    I love Maths, so much that I never cared to get into its complications and try to unravel it. 👦
  • 1
    So then you must be in group 3.. or group d? ;)
  • 15
    0.1 + 0.2 = 0.30000000000000004
  • 1
    and why is this a rant?
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    I do suck at math. Like A LOT
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    Here i am ahahah
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    Seems like a lots of us. So it proves your point. 👍👍
  • 1
    It's like saying that if your good python dev than you suck at Java. Completely unrelated. You might be good or bad. Usually you have a basic understanding of math, which is a tool and an actual language that works with quantities and how they are related to each other.
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    @shasha In my view and of course I may differ, is mathematic calculation really necessary for writing intense algorithms and things like that. what is the role of maths. In my field almost nil.
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    @EpIcInCoGnItO use punctuation ;)

    It depends on your field. It doesn't hurt to know more but it's not necessarily useful for everyone.

    If you're just a we developer with same type of projects than you don't have to know much. If you're computer engineer, you have to.
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    @shasha Good to know that, but Maths was never my forte.
  • 0
    If your weekend projects are like for me a day tracer... you better know your maths pretty well ;-)
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