

It feels like a full quarter of my life is wasted just goddamn WAITING.

Fuck off.

From now on I'm just leaving whomever behind.

  • 7
    And quarter of life wasted on sleeping too!

    Hehe, I too have waiting! I give 5 mins over the time, else bbye from me! And you gonna get earful when I see you next time...
  • 3
    I can’t wait for people if they are wasting my time I don’t have time for them peaxe
  • 1
    I have something to share about this.

    Please allow me to collect my thoughts, I will get back to you on this soon.
  • 2
    @AlexDeLarge and that will reduce your life span by quarter or more! So we are doomed to waste quarter of our life!
  • 5
    I hate waiting for requests to go through.

    “Can I setup up my own test database?”
    “No, contact the DBA.”
    “Hey DBA, can I get a test database?”
    “Yeah. Put in a request.”
    I put in a request.
    A month later.
    “Is it ready yet?”
    A month later.
    “How about now?”
    “Yeah, go verify it.”
    It’s wrong, despite clear instructions.
    “It’s wrong can you fix it please?”
    “Sure, put in a request.”
    6 months later.
    “Okay, what part of VARCHAR(32) don’t you get?”
    “Put in a request.”
  • 2
    Do it, just leave. Rarely something important happened for someone to be late. People are assholes.
  • 1
    I usually don't give a fuck, as long as I'm not standing like a dick somewhere in the streets. I meet people at home or in a bar, where they can come half an hour late when they want to. There's no way I'm going to be bored in the meantime.
  • 2
    @FunkDelegate When someone is holding me up from working (and therefore likely getting me in trouble) or wasting my tiny bit of precious free time, I get absolutely livid.

    If I don't care if they show up or not, that's entirely different.
  • 1
    @Root Time is of the essence 8) It's indeed a different story if someone is wasting valuable time.
  • 2
    I feel ya, I've been sick waiting for my girlfriend who hasn't come to me in 19 years >:(
  • 2
    The best way to get what you want is to work at getting it.
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