What annoys my the most in gaming, is when gamers refer to cheaters as "hackers". THEY AREN'T. They are SCRIPT KITTIES. I'm sure most of us here would consider ourselves hackers, and we can all agree that hacking takes time, motivation, and most of all, skill. Cheaters in video games are the lowest of the low. The just download and install scripts written by real hackers. This triggers me beyond words and all caps. What do you all think?

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    @g-m-f adorableKitten.png
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    @g-m-f: Hackers would be a lot less intimidating. Instead of the feds nabbing up a sickly, pale, 16yr old, they could raid a house and come out with a kitten. Wearing a Guy Faux mask. *BREAKING NEWS: Today the feds raided the home of K1tt135cr1pt, seizing 2 high powered mice, a catnip grow operation, and what they believe to be a rare cat tree stolen from the templars in 1578. Taking another notorious cyber criminal off the streets... Now the forecast with Jenny Fuzzbottom.* 😂 What a better world it would be.
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    @g-m-f I imagine they'd all dress up like cat burglars
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    @FelisPhasma not sure why are thinking so much about such kind of people! they are meant to be ignored.
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    @srujan7 lowlives like this just plain tend to grind my gears... I really should just ignore it though
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    I'll just laugh at your first line. how cute. 😁
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