"Unable to capture the screen
This application or your company does not allow you to take screenshots."

I think it's time for root...

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    Ok, it's not polish.
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    ADB screenshot it
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    @Teknas not sure that would work, it's a special flag in the app's manifest file so it's blocked on the OS-level and I don't have a computer with ADB on me right now(or any computer as a matter of fact) as I am on a vacation.
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    @D3add3d screen record as a last option ?
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    @Teknas tried it just now, nothing... black screen when I switch to the flagged activity
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    @Teknas I even tried the simulated second screen, nothing will display on it unless it is "(secure)" which means there is also DRM involved
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    @RantSomeWhere I know all that... But I might not root my phone after all because I would like to use it for NFC payments instead of my debit card - it is just convenient and not being able to screenshot one app is not that big of a deal
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    @RantSomeWhere aaand, no.. It is very much not open source
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    Take a photo with another phone.
    Low tech but works
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    Cast your screen to your laptop.
    I believe Microsoft has a cast receiver for presentations.
    And screenshot it on the laptop.
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    @Teknas 100% sure it won't work, the OS will just stream black screen instead of the app and once again, I don't have any computer on or near me, I am on a vacation half way across the country
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    @RantSomeWhere 1. nope, good to know
    2. won't root because I realized that I won't be able to use Google Pay and other NFC payment apps
    3. Don't have a computer available because I am on a vacation
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    What app needs such a secure environment to run? :o
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    @KennyTheBard Usually banking apps and such but this one is Pokec (service that is a mix of chat rooms, dating app, e-mail and IM)
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    @D3add3d oh sorry i'm not really uset with banking on phone and so one, and thanks for the answer! I was really curious for some reason
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    @D3add3d apktool and jarsigner are all you need to change flags. worked every time so far
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    Magisk will modify /system without actually putting files there, im not entirely sure how that works but sounds kinda like symbolic links
    as for xposed, you can install it via Magisk but axtive Xposes replaxes the Zygote process with its own and SafetyNet checjs the Zygote process. So there is no way to have Xposes and active AND bypass SafetyNet
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    Well snapchat is obvious but i dont think it really blocks screenshoting as i fo it quite often (muahaha) just notify the other party, and while i plahed in the first summer of its existence pokemon go i dont think it had something against screeshots... and about netflix.. well, ahoiii
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    @RantSomeWhere no, you're wrong, Xposed installed even over Magisk still trips SafetyNet when its active, due to Zygote process modification I just mentioned
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    I think this is some stupid anti-user thing. If you don’t give control to your user (windows, looking at you) about their os than 🖕you
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