Is mobile native development going to die?

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    Why would it?
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    depends on developers.
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    Maybe one day but to me, web technologies don't seem to progress as fast as native for time being so no, in 10 years? Maybe might start to slow down
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    Nope. Not only will Apple and Google promote their own features, but also it's a far more reliable and maintainable experience for developers. Cross platform development will always be behind native, and as soon as people start realising the maintenance cost, the fad will fade
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    No it wont, the only reason React/Ionic/Flutter are there is to cut cost in development since only one code base + it is easy for web devs to jump into mobile dev world

    I still don't see why that would happen. the draw backs I found in React Native:

    1. Takes time to populate a FlatList

    2. UI looks similar to native but still feels it isn't native

    3. If my memory serves me well, I heard RN Javascript is still single thread though it will have multithread support on the next major release

    4. I found it to be slower than Native

    Though to be honest I sure did love writing the freaking app once and having it working on Android and iOS and not having to rewrite same thing all over again + I DID NOT HAVE TO USE XCODE :D
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    Frameworks like Flutter and React Native (and probably some other framework that will show up in the near future) can do what native do. Not yet with the same performance but I'm guessing someone eventually will solve that.

    As happened with web development, the cost of it decreased with time and I think the same will happen with mobile development. Companies are not willing to pay for two engineers when they can have the same job done with one.
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    @pescadjiam Don't know about Flutter, but in React Native there are some UI cases had to be solved differently for each platform, and to solve it the one coding must have the knowledge of how UI is rendered on both platforms or he will be just wasting time to find the unknown.
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    @gitpush same with flutter. Hybrid apps are good for quickly throwing together a mvp, but nit much more. I made an app in my last job that used a lot of sensors and calculated a lot of stuff, we started with react and it got immensely slow after like half the features were done so we switched to native instead.
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    @sharktits Our main issue rely in convincing management why not using hybrid, and the only way to prove is we show them the slow result and I guess that would be too damn late :\
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    Don't get me wrong, I'm a native mobile developer and I would love to keep doing that. But, at least where I live, clients are not willing to pay the price of native app for both platforms
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    @pescadjiam clients are noobs, if you are developing a product for a company to sell they are better off using native, if they insist on React for every type of apps, you are better off going to a different one
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    @pescadjiam funny how clients don't want to pay for professional services. I don't tell my plumber what tools to use, and I certainly don't give him a spatula to do his job!

    Eventually, everyone pays...
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    Guys, please read.

    Flutter ≠ React.

    Practically, Flutter reimplementes drawing pipeline, so it doesn't rely on magically converting things to native UI components. That way they achieved butter-smooth performance.

    Also, recent trends aren't in if it looks native, it's more about the branding itself, that's why I have my hopes up high for Flutter, because it lets you design whatever you might need, and it will render the same on every platform because it doesn't rely on the OS render engine.
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    My 2cents.

    Yes. Absolutely 1000% yes, and so will web development in its current form too.

    I think once AI / ML gets better, and we get better at building this semantic web we’re always banging on about, then things will get very interesting.

    I personally believe that everything will move to APIs and smart agents that make use of them.

    UI will largely be the differentiating factor, and even then most of that will disappear, as the agent can perform most of the data entry / manipulation the UI was necessary for in the first place.

    The only place I really see development as such still sticking around is going to be in games and highly specialised software.
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    Update: i built a game with phonegap and tested on a fairly strong device. 20 particles cause a framedrop to 10fps. Im safe to say, native will stay for a while.
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    Hybrid apps are too much of a hassle to make, so no
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