Hey question have you people forgot this ?

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    Jaffa shol'va!
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    drop some names with videos so I can body language learn to detect them
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    Ai struck again
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    Why are they in a basilica? I thought everyone used reptilians as a euphemism for jews?
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    @lorentz no it inadventanly recreated a scene from congress and they were politicians once mobster types another.
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    @lorentz I did not know that! those myths are not alike I think...
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    @Lensflare Tek'ma'te, tau'ri, pa'kree?
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    @lorentz reptilians are not jews but together they control the news.
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    ye so apparently reptiles = Jews is Israel making shit up again

    David Icke is the guy who got slandered with that. I have now downloaded 23 of his books because watching videos he talks too slow

    but in the videos he's not equating the reptiles with Jews either. just news stations ran that narrative repeatedly

    he knew about the WEF and Jewish bankers that fund everything

    and reptiles are these things... that the CIA wrote about in the 60s. where if you astral project out of your body you'll see them... in the other dimensions. and rumour is they eat energy out of people. and what icke said sounded like that

    now connecting these two things together? now that part never made sense to me. I know the pedo ring Epstein Clinton guys do satanic rituals and whatnot but I got no clue why. maybe he knows what the big deal is and has a good sales pitch about it. otherwise David Icke seems to be quite intelligent, when he talks about other off the cuff stuff, so maybe this will be good
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    @lorentz Euphemism as if being jew is worst than being a lizard 😂
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    I love how a fuckton of stargate fans just appeared.

    *autistic replicator noises*
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    @Ranchonyx ranchony clone !

    Funny how that's what I remember about him heh
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