

I got rejected today by a company I really wanted to work at. In my opinion the interview went great, but now I feel terrible and defeated.

I keep trying to keep a tough act around my girlfriend..but I feel like crying, so I decided to share this with you guys..

  • 3
    Better let it out ... Forward son!!!
  • 20
    Just keep at it... Like a 0day pentester... They have to reject you everytime, you just have to not get rejected once.

    In the meantime, followup after about a week, thank them for the interview.

    An example email I would send (to the interviewer directly if you can)

    Dear Sir/Madam

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview for $position at $company.

    On this occasion I was unsuccessful in my application and wish you well with your new hire and with your future business prospects.

    Should another position arrive in the future I would be grateful for the opportunity to apply as I would very much like to work for $company.

    If I may also be so bold as to ask if there are any tips you could give that would benefit any future application at $company I would again be very grateful.

    Yours sincerely

  • 0
    Never give up. Always keep up the effort
  • 6
    @seraphimsystems that's some reaaaaalllly good email
  • 1
    @py2js lol hope so, I work HR sometimes
  • 0
    Maybe your asking salary is too high so you got rejected? 🧐
  • 0
    @seraphimsystems good email template you got there mate
  • 0
    @seraphimsystems $compamy $name 😂😂😂
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    As a young guy, early on, I was able to land almost any job I wanted, and so I've always been pretty cocky about the jobs I'm going for.

    I don't have a degree, and some companies seem to really value that you went to school once upon a time.

    But I've found the biggest problem is discrimination, and this is coming from a white dude, I experience discrimination all the time so I KNOW other people must get it even worse.

    It's important that you can speculate about what REALLY happened behind closed doors, how the hiring manager THINKS about you. Because I'm pretty certain that being rejected for being inadequate is very rare for me and most of the rejections are for something else, like my work history in Utah (no joke I think that's the biggest problem for me.)

    Let your mind run wild with this, but don't ever accept these judgements people make about you as any indication that you're less than anyone else.
  • 0
    Find a nice quiet space, shut the door then cry my good friend. Let it out. After that, confide in your girlfriend about how you feel. She might work wonders.

    'Sometimes' we feel defeated because we feel we have failed those around us or those we love. Having them remind us that we have not failed them maybe some great help
  • 1
    At least you have a girlfriend. :D
  • 0
    @Singleton Dev first HR second 😉
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