
Fuck my boss.
He's making me do non-dev work that I'm absolutely not qualified to do and he's even writing to me on Slack to make me do some of it outside my working days.
I'm getting so fucking anxious whenever I'm trying to work with this shit because I have no fucking clue what exactly am I supposed to do.

  • 5
    Then don't do it. Out of work is out of work and unless it's an actual emergency, you shouldn't give up your free time.
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    @filthyranter You are right BUT some time ago I went for a raise (and talked here about it) and currently I feel obliged to do it.
  • 5
    @Agred Still. I mean I dunno about Poland but I'm pretty sure that's illegal where I live unless specified in contract.
  • 5
    Getting a raise and then working more isn't a raise.
  • 0
    @spongessuck It's not? Sincere question.
  • 3
    You my friend is a slasher. Developer slashers unite! 💪😎

    Slasher = Developer slash CSR slash janitor slash marketing slash decoys slash anything your boss tells you to do not specified/related to your work
  • 2
    @Agred getting a raise is a trap 👌
  • 3
    @Devnergy That hurted ;____; It feels somewhat true though.
  • 5
    If you're salaried, working more hours reduces your average wage per hour. So if you're working more hours but not getting overtime, you may not be getting as much as you were expecting (per hour) when you got the raise.
  • 2
    @Agred don't worry mate most of the time we are slashers. Well I think all developers became a slasher at one time in their careers. Hard to avoid it sometimes specially at start up companies 😁
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    @spongessuck if you are not getting overtime pay then we will call it OTY. Meaning overtime thank you 😉
  • 1
    @spongessuck OH, it's not exactly like that. Sorry if my rant made it sound like I'm working more than I am paid for.
    I'm working on something that in Poland we would call "garbage" contract. I'm technically not employed (something like freelancing but not really) and as such I don't have defined working hours and because I'm still studying my boss don't have to pay most of the taxes. We have came to an agreement that on Sunday I always send him a message when I'll be available and will come to work in the office. But he can call me anytime and ask me to do something. I can then log my work in jira and everything is paid for but... Y'know how it is. I have other tasks on hand and he needs something done asap. It's driving me crazy.
  • 1
    Ah, I see. Well, I'm all for exploiting loopholes when possible.
  • 2
    @Devnergy yo from another slasher here dev/teacher/digital marketing/receptionist on weekends
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