
Why the fuck would someone use bootstrap . Seriously now . Only for the fucking grid ? For the forms ? For the useless js ? Why ?

  • 7
    for the copy-paste snippets from https://bootsnipp.com

    its like any other framework, you can re-use a lot of code
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    @tkdmatze Oh . It makes sense . Let me load a library to use this 2 ugly and buggy snippets.
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    @Draedus kinda you understood web-development 2018
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    @DLMousey I mean, AFAIK water is superior to paper
  • 17
    I’m not a web developer. Bootstrap does what the name fucking implies. It literally bootstraps my efforts and work.

    It gets a bunch of shit I don’t know, I don’t care about and don’t want to care about out of the way and done.

    When I’m doing any work, if something exists to make it faster / easier and reduce the cognitive load, I’m going to damn well use it.

    I don’t care if it’s bloated. Fun fact. What I’m building is an enterprise tool, they’re fine with waiting a few seconds for things to load, it literally doesn’t fucking matter if I achieve millisecond latency or not.

    This is especially important to me in the utter minefield that is web development. HTML & CSS are barely fit for purpose and JavaScript is an utter fucking clusterfuck of a language.

    If something exists to abstract that (software is entirely abstraction) and get me on my merry way to a happy client and a happy wallet, then I literally don’t care.
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    @Brolls well said bro well said
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    Noobs can use it easily.
    Seniors can also use it easily and properly if they want.

    Working everything from scratch for every project is a bit painful.
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    @Torbuntu css grid was made by IE. Did you run it through an auto-prefixer go get the correct IE shit?

    IE made css grid, then CSSWG discovered it, improved it and made it a standard.
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    @Torbuntu I always autoprefix, for all browsers. Even when it’s not a requirement. So when a visitor for some reason use IE, it looks ok’ish
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    If your download the full bootstrap package for a single aspect, your doing it wrong. Pick and choose what you want to use and let it build you a customized version for use.
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    If you are developing a web app or CRM modules to be scalable and reusable you need a standard and reusable css framework.
    That said bs4 was like f.that! We'll drop bacward compatibility to a more material design concept but without fully committing to it.
  • 2
    You can use bootstrap if you know what your doing.
    1. Easy to get started
    2. Great Grid system
    3. Base styling for most HTML elements
    4. Extensive list of components
    5. Bundled JS plugins
    6. Good documentation

    Pure BE guys can leverage/benefit from Bootstrap 4
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