Help. I... I think I'm quite enjoying Objective C. I don't know what's wrong with me.

  • 5
    you are OBJECTIVEly-Crazy
  • 9
    It's not a bad language IMO. It's just old and showing it's age. And super verbose
  • 2
    Come on to Swift there is a good iTunesU course from Standford 25gb video free.

    Or do a gamification 5 level course at http://tryobjectivec.codeschool.com for free and laugh about it.

    PS. A dead lang. COBOL programmer
  • 3
    Hey, happened to me too. I don't know why, but something about objective-c is actually quite pleasing...
  • 3
    I love objective C I love it's verbosity. It is getting a little old but its done well, it's like an old friend.
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