The project that we spent one freaking year on, researching, developing our own hardware and software just got cancelled and I ain't getting paid shit...

This is a fucking nightmare! All this motherfucking work for nothing! I think I am going to cry... I mean we still have all the hardware and stuff but we can't do anything with it because is was build for one fucking task and noone would probably buy it because how specific the task that it's made for is. I mean I technically only own the software... anyone interested in buying an Android app that connects to a sensor (that counts stuff) via BLE, processes data from the sensor and uploads it to a database? It can also upload new firmware to the sensor, set basically any parameter and get all kinds of telemetry from it... can't really say what does this sensor count or anything about the hardware (I am not sure if I am allowed to brcause I don't own it - I only got to work on the firmware and the app)

  • 0
    Sound like an iot/smart home app
  • 0
    @chabad360 it's actually neither of those, what I can say is that it has been engineered to have 1.5 years+ battery life and made to be IP67 certified
    (I mean the hardware obv.)
  • 1
    Don't let this get you down. They can take away our projects, but they can't take away our knowledge.
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